Cure Psoriasis!

Not investment related but…

This is a Drug free way to cure Psoriasis that I wish I had found out about sooner!

So if you happen to have Psoriasis! Get the following 2 books they offer a diet to cure Psoriasis which I am on at the moment… It is tough enough going but you get used to it after a while!

I had Psoriasis over quite a lot of my scalp and most of it is gone now! I have been on the diet for 3 months started in Jan 2016

Cure Psoriasis without Drugs

This is the main book you will need it gives all the details on the cause and the cure.  You need to be ready to give it a try before you start this as it will be a big diet change from the start.

Click the Book Image to view it on Amazon.

For example:   No Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peppers, Red Meat, Chocolate etc etc

Lots of Vegetable and Fruit needed basically a less acidic diet overall.  Bonus is that it is a very healthy diet and if you need to loose weight you will! I haven’t had a cough or cold since I started which is nice when bugs are all around!

Think you can handle it? Then go for it. I have seen a big improvement so far and it is the only Diet that I have consistently read about being successful on the     Internet so far.

You can Google Pagano diet and see for yourself.  I was also told of a friend of a friend that they used it to cure their Psoriasis and have since returned to a more normal diet… This is my goal! If she gets a flare up she just returns to the diet to bring it back under control.

Drug Free cure for PsoriasisThe Cookbook gives more detail on the rules which is very useful.  It also give numerous recipes that you can use.

It is good for ideas and you will find that you can mix and match the recipes to suit your taste.



I could add pictures of my scalp to show you and will upon request but I’m sure most people reading this will have seen enough of it!